Monday 9 November 2015

Presentation Feedback And Review

Lecturer Feedback

Choice of concept interesting & clarity of content?

A clear, well presented account of your aims and pre-production so far, which effectively covered the content and visual and technical approaches.  You have focused and meticulous application, showing a mature understanding of the pre-production process requirements.  It is commendable that you have approached the illustrator and publisher, acting professionally and aspiring to create something that has an external link and thus future collaboration potential.

Visualization/Technical Approaches

You demonstrated that you will be working from existing drawn characters and translate these into 3D models.  You have worked hard so far, evidencing the character designs – research character sheets and develop your characters further, exploring expression and gestures in more detail so that each one’s personality comes through.

You show strong content planning skills through storyboarding and the animatic. 

Research other Stop Motion children’s productions and analyse the technical and aesthetic approaches as part of your own visual/technical justification.

Research linked to practice?

Are there other animated book adaptations that you can analyse/critique?  Another area that could be researched contextually/culturally is the narrative in contemporary children’s viewing which would enable you to position your own production aims and understand the cognitive effect your film might have on your audience.

Brainstorm and establish a few areas of research that will inform and develop your practice.

Great progress so far, showing potential for a really slick and thorough pre-production pitch.


My Review

I feel that my presentation went well and that I got across all of the points I wanted to make.

I needed to include other stop motion artists that I had looked at and to also include other children's books that have been made into animation productions and how they were approached.
These points can be included into my presentation ready for when I pitch again in week 10.

In my next presentation I want to include how I have changed production this year to be a trailer instead of the full film and to reflect on the changes I have to make to do this.

This could also lead to me researching other stop motion trailers and what parts of the film they have used to get the viewer interested without giving away too much of the story.

Overall I think my presentation was good and it showed what I have done towards this pre-production module and also what else I need to do.

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