Saturday 10 October 2015

Tutorial Proposal Feedback And Review

Lecturer Feedback

You have already established a clear intention for the pre-production in this module.  Well done for already having done so much groundwork in terms of contacting the author and publishers for the book you intend to adapt.  This shows a mature understanding of industry practice and also validates your project, making it more real and purposeful.


Research professional presentation of storyboards, providing examples uploaded to a module BLOG, (which you have already developed considerably).

From the existing characters provided in the book, create thorough character sheets that experiment with gesture, turn-arounds and the aesthetic decisions for colour and texture/form of character.

As discussed, create a timeline for the story, editing the content down to the main sections of plot in order to shorten the production aim to no longer than 3 minutes, remembering that a shorter higher quality sequence, even if not narratively complete, will be more valuable for a realistic pitch/treatment of the adaptation.

Start to consider the ominous task of creating a good sound track – will the characters speak and if so who will do the voice acting as this will have to be done well in terms of performance and expression.  Gather a bank of potential sound effects and music if appropriate.


My Review

Having a tutorial with my lecturer has helped me to organise my timetable and to give myself clear view of what I can achieve with the timescale I have been given.

I knew after making my animatic that making this book adaption was going to be a big task as it came to over 5 minutes long. This was going to be too big a task to fit in to a third year project.
So with this in mind I am going to be making a 2-3 minute trailer for the film. This trailer will include the key parts from the story and will give the audience and possibly potential employers a good idea of what the film is about and what I can do as an animator.

I will be changing my timetable accordingly and will make a revised story board and animatic to fit the trailer.

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