Thursday 14 January 2016

Building The Sets

Captain's Cabin

I will make this part of the set by connecting 3 pieces of wood together with hinges. This way the outer pieces of wood can be opened slightly wider than a 90 degree angle to give the illusion of depth.

Now that the wood is cut I need to make the boards have the texture of wood.
I am going to do this by using a drimmel drill that will engrave the texture into the wood.

As I hadn't used this tool before I practiced with it on some scrap wood first, making sure the drimmel could give me the marks on the wood that I needed.

After practicing with the drimmel I then tried to recreate the pattern I needed on a larger piece of spare wood.

I like that it has a hand drawn look about it. This fits in with my treatment of having the ship come from out of the book.

Creating this pattern on a larger scale was easier as the drimmel works smoother.

So that this set could be transported I fixed the sides together with velcro so that they can be pulled apart and then put in the car.

Top Deck

Using hardwood I drew the design out and then cut it to shape.

Using the drimmel I carved the same pattern as the previous boards, but also adding the groove for the parts to be cut out for the banister. And then painting it.

The Island

To make the island I thought of many different ways to make the shape. I first thought about getting an outdoor fish pond or pool, but I couldn't one that was the right shape or shallow enough to work as my island.
I eventually decided that making it myself using paper mache would be the best option.

I started by covering an overturned bowl in clingfilm, and then layering the paper to get the shallow domed shape.

Once this had started to dry I opened out the clingfilm and pulled it out, then covering with more paper to bring out the shape of the island. I will keep repeating this until it begins to level out, giving my character a flat surface to walk on.

When placing my character next to the island I realised that the island looked far too small in comparison so I have decided to extend on it.

I mixed sand into the yellow paint to give it some texture for the closer camera angles.
I like that the paint has wrinkled the paper underneath because it gives the wave effect that can be seen at a beach.

 Palm Trees

The Birds Nest

For this set I had to make it to scale with my character and to be tall enough to animate from bellow.
I started by making the pole and a base to make it sturdy.

Then using a plastic and newspaper I made the inside high enough that only the shoulders of the character can be seen from above the edge.

Then attaching the nest to the pole and painting it.

Based on the book Here Be Monsters text © Jonathan Emmett 2013 and illustration © Poly Bernatene 2013, first published by Macmillan Children’s Books. 

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