Thursday 28 January 2016

Making The Other Characters

Making The Other Characters


The armatures I will be using are ones from a previous module that weren't used. They aren't as reliable as the one that I am using for my main character but these will be fine for the small movements these secondary characters will be doing.

Quilly Von Squint and Findus Spew are both within a box or create so I thought that it would be easier to animate them if I removed the legs from the armature and then secured them to the base of the scene they are in. For the scene where they are with the other characters, I can easily hide them behind the table within the scene.

For the third secondary character, Sneaky McSqueaky, I have left the legs on as he will be used in another scene standing up.


Quilly Von Squint

Using Sculpey to make the shape of the head and beak and then baking it, I will then be able to paint each part.

After each part is painted I am going to connect the two parts of the beak with a hinge, this way I can animate the beak moving.

After baking the Sculpey, I realised it would be easer to attach the beak and the hinge to the head if it was made out of silicone.

Making the head out of plasticine, I made a mould and cast the head in the silicone.

Pouring the two halves separately and then letting them set slightly before connecting the two together will reduce the risk of having any air bubbles form in the back of the cast. This is something that happened in the main character's head cast.

The finished cast had a very big air bubble in the centre which meant I couldn't attach it to the armature.
Because of this I have decided to make the head from Sculpey and have replacement mouths.
I set the eyes and magnet for the mouths into the Sculpey before baking.

Sneaky McSqueaky

Using the same method as I did for Quilly's head I made Sneaky's head from Sculpey, adding the eyes and magnets before baking.

Finus Spew


Quilly Von Squint

Finus Spew

Sneaky McSqueaky

Based on the book Here Be Monsters text © Jonathan Emmett 2013 and illustration © Poly Bernatene 2013, first published by Macmillan Children’s Books. 

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