Tuesday 12 January 2016

Sound Recording

Sound Recording

For my trailer I wanted the script to sound like someone was reading the book aloud, so that the idea of the book coming to life was still there.
Originally I was going to cast a narrator and three separate voice actors for the speaking roles, but once the narrator started recording I decided it sounded better if it was all done in the narrators voice but changing slightly for each character. I thought this sounded more theatrical and similar to children's story time programs.
In the first recording I asked the narrator to do the full film script so he could get a feel for the characters and the story. He read the script aloud a lot quicker than I had done for my recording for the animatic. I preferred this because it had a nice, quick rhyming rhythm which matches the story.
If the sound recordings don't work so well with the animatic I may get the narrator to record more lines from the full film script to add to the story, as I had removed them originally to keep to the shorter time scale of the trailer.

Narration style story research

For this research I looked at the bed time hour on CBeebies, This is when a celebrity comes into the studio and reads a story aloud, this is usually accompanied with an animatic style of visual using images from the book the celebrity is reading. I think this fits in well with my film because it is very similar to what I am doing with the book I have chosen.
In this video David Tennant is reading the story and I think this is similar to what I am doing with my audio because he is narrating the story as well as changing his voice for the individual characters as well.

When I leave university, I would like to do similar projects but instead of using stills from the book being read I would like to animate the story in stop motion. These will be similar to the animations of Chris Randall, Second Home Studios, who does stop motion animations to stories children have submitted into CITV called Share A Story.

First Recording


The first recording went really well and we managed to record the first page of the script three or four times so that when it came to the editing I had different recordings to go from. I got Bryan Hancox (Narrator) to say the lines in different styles and emotions, ranging from lighthearted to angry so that when paired with the animatic I could see which style suited the story best.
I wasn't very familiar with the Soundtrack Pro software, I asked James Booth to step in and help me with the recordings. For my next recording I feel I will be more confident to do this process myself.

Based on the book Here Be Monsters text © Jonathan Emmett 2013 and illustration © Poly Bernatene 2013, first published by Macmillan Children’s Books. 

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