Friday 15 January 2016

Research Into Stop Motion Short Films

Stop Motion Short Films

There are many short stop motion films, this is mainly because making this type of film is a lengthly process and can often take many years to produce, so if an animator wants to get into the industry they can make short films or trailers for their idea, this can be put on their show reel and can give employers an idea of what animation capabilities they have.
These ideas can then be expanded on at a later date.

Although some of the short films can be expanded on, others are much better left as a short film because they deliver the message perfectly in a short amount of time.

One of these films is "The Maker" (2011)

This short film puts the message of passion, love and anxiety without using lip sync. The music and movement of the character put these messages across that can be seen by all cultures and countries.
In this case the character doesn't have any facial replacements, all the emotion is put across by the characters actions, his eyes and the accompanying music.

I haven't decided what music I will be using for my film yet, but I would like it to have a similar effect on my audience that this film does. I want the music to have an urgency and a fast paced movement to it.

Another short film that is similar in its use of music to produce emotion is "Zero" (2010)

Although the use of music helps shape the emotion of the film, I think that the use of the narrator really helps to get the message of race and culture across. Even though these words are not used it is clear in its use of metaphors that there is another meaning behind this film and I think that it is perfectly portrayed.
I think that this film could be shown for many years to come and it'll still be relevant because there is always something new that society is criticising or ruling as wrong.
This film shows what is wrong with culture today and the extent social compliance, once one person brands something as different other people will start to believe it. 
I hope that if other short films are made like this, that will make a significant difference on how these problems are dealt with.

Another film I found interesting was "Foxed" (2013)

I liked this film for its camera movement. The way it moved was almost a first person prospective. Its effective because it makes the viewer feel more involved and engrossed in the film and feel the emotions that the character is feeling.

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